Patient Rights – Information Brochure


Patient Rights – Information Brochure

Important Note: The information provided in this material is for educational purposes and does not replace professional medical advice.

Professor Giorgi Pkhakadze, Public Health Institute of Georgia. Georgian Patient Council Initiative. “Patient Rights – Information Booklet.” Tbilisi: Public Health Institute of Georgia; 2024. 4 p.

According to the Law of Georgia on “Patient Rights,” you, as a patient, have the following rights:

• Every citizen of Georgia has the right to receive medical care from any medical service provider in accordance with the recognized and implemented professional and service standards in the country.
• Discrimination against a patient based on race, skin color, language, sex, genetic heritage, belief and religion, political and other opinions, national, ethnic and social origin, status, place of residence, illness, sexual orientation, or personal negative attitudes is prohibited.
• A patient has the right to seek a second opinion from another doctor or medical institution without hindrance.
• A patient has the right to choose and change their medical service provider at any time.
• The state protects the patient’s right to medical care, without which the patient’s death, disability, or significant deterioration of health is inevitable. If a patient urgently requires medical care and the service provider is unable to deliver such care, they are obliged to provide the patient, their relative, or legal representative with complete information on where urgent medical care can be obtained.
• A citizen of Georgia who is in another state, as well as a foreign citizen and a stateless person who are in Georgia, are guaranteed the right to health protection in accordance with Georgia’s international treaties and agreements. In the absence of such agreements, the legislation of the country where the person is located applies.
• The right to be informed in advance and to freely exercise all granted rights.
• The right to receive information about existing medical resources and their delivery methods, fees, and payment forms.
• The right to high-quality medical care.
• The right to ensure the involvement of you or your family member in the decision-making process related to treatment.
• The right to confidentiality of personal information related to your medical care.
• The right of a patient or their legal representative to approach the court and request compensation.
• The right to refuse a specific type or, in general, medical service and to receive comprehensive information on the potential consequences of such a decision.
• The right to express dissatisfaction and/or comments regarding the provided services.
• The right to request a written response.
• The right to request that information about a visit to your clinic be shared with or not shared with a family member/legal representative.
• The right to request that information about your visit to the hospital not be disclosed.
• The right to use various communication methods, including telephone and email, except in cases where the attending physician considers it disruptive to the treatment and recovery process.
• The right to request a copy of medical documentation.
• The right to receive adequate treatment for pain control.

If you believe your rights have been or may be violated, call the patient relations hotline at *995598435034.
You can file a complaint via email at or through the website
Coordinator for Patient Relations at the “Public Health Institute”: Tatia Gochadze.

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