6 October, 2021

Georgian Public Health Expert and Healthcare Advisor to the UN Secretary-General, Dr Giorgi Pkhakadze, said in his social media post that the medical face mask is one of the best possible tools against the new delta coronavirus variant.
”Wearing medical face masks is one of the most powerful tools against the new delta strain, especially when the vaccination rate in the country is low.
Get your Pfizer jabs soon and wear medical face masks!
Stay safe!” Dr Pkhakadze wrote.
According to the 6 October data, 1,836,443 vaccines have been administered in Georgia.
A total of 993,154 people of 35.0% of the population have received a single vaccine dose, while 843,289 citizens, or 29.5% are fully vaccinated.
Local health workers vaccinated 9,075 citizens on 5 October.
Professor Giorgi Pkhakadze, MD, MPH, PhD #drpkhakadze #accreditationge #გიორგიფხაკაძე
Source: https://report.ge/en/society/georgian-public-health-expert-names-one-of-the-best-tools-against-delta-covid-19-variant/